Participating Charities
YuFest is conducted in the aid of these charities

the ant (the action notheast trust)
The path (Mission) we have taken is to work towards sustainable and holistic development with rural and poor, voiceless communities mainly in the northeast.

Sethu is a Charitable Trust based in Goa, India, to help all children get the best out of their lives, families, schools and communities to grow and develop.

DEAN Foundation
DEAN Foundation Hospice and Palliative Care Centre has been dedicated to the care & management of people with progressive, incurable diseases, since 1998.
Samvedana Trust
We are a catalyst for sustainable impact in the area of nutrition, education, and skill building amongst the underprivileged considering their family as a unit and inclusions at the core.

Team Everest
Team Everest is one of the biggest youth-run NGOs in India providing quality education to financially challenged children.

Talent Quest for India
Talent Quest for India (TQI) is a team of volunteers with a vision of creating socially responsible leaders in every community.

Goonj aims to build an equitable relationship of strength, sustenance and dignity between the cities.

Bhumi aims to build a society that empowers every individual to reshape the conversation with their voices and stories.

Our mission is to help transform society and improve lives through holistic interventions in School education and participatory Community Development.

Action For Autism
We pioneered the autism movement in South Asia, and strive to access the rights of individuals with autism and their families.

Sanskriti Samvardhan Mandal
The focus of out activities has always been on the deprived rural communities, especially women and girls.

Foundation for Excellence
We are committed to helping academically bright and economically underprivileged students in India accomplish their goals of pursuing higher education through scholarships.

WWH (We Will Help) Charitable Foundation
We have championed the cause of community development, health, education, and women empowerment for a long time now within the Aarey Forest areas

Bureau of obligate and Accompainer for Rural Development (BOARD)
BOARD has been rendering humanitarian services to poor and deprived communities in Bihar as a non-political, non-religious and non-profit making organization

Yuva Gram Vikas Mandal
Yuva Gram Vikas Mandal is a is non-profit social service organisation located in Beed district, Maharashtra, working for the past 35 years.

Hope of People Everywhere
HOPE was established in 2016 as a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting people to bring about a positive change.

Centre for Advocacy and Research
We work for advancing the welfare of the poor and improving the quality of life of vulnerable and marginalized groups.

Janaseva Foundation, Pune
We run Old Age Homes, Rural Hospital, Nursing School, Day Care Centre for elderly, Century Clubs, Community Hall etc.

Sona Sarovar Trust
Sona Sarovar Trust - What began with just a bowl of water, is now a full-fledged initiative to aid the underprivileged.

A Trust registered in Delhi, India with projects focused on Women Education, Empowerment and Livelihood creation.
Sense International (India)
Sense India provides specialised services to help children and adults with deafblindness become active members of the society.

Thuvakkam NGO
Guided by the motto of “Be the Change you wish to see”, Thuvakkam undertakes projects in our key areas of work of education, environment, and humanity.

Federation of Indian Animal Protection Organisations(FIAPO)
FIAPO is the apex federation for animal rights across India. A

Spark-A-Change Foundation
We provide holistic educational programmes aimed at bridging learning gaps to over 800 school-going children from low-income communities

EKTA is a feminist organization, initiated in 1990 in Madurai as a Resource Centre for women and girls in Tamil Nadu.

Sampark’s mission is to help vulnerable and poor people, especially women, to gain direct control over and improve their lives.

MAHAN (Meditation, AIDS, Health, Addiction and Nutrition) is a NGO established in 1998 to improve health and reduce deaths of tribal, in Melghat, Maharashtra

Oasis India
Oasis works in the area of community transformation and Anti-human trafficking

Adhyayan Quality Education Foundation
As a capacity-building organization, Adhyayan Foundation seeks to improve the leadership and governance of teaching and learning in schools.

Darbar sahitya Sansada
DSS is a livelihood promoting NGO focusing on livelihood promotion, women empowerment, organic agriculture, handicrafts, migrant labour and disaster management.

Reaching Hand
We work with vulnerable Children, Marginalized women & deprived families empowering them to lead a life of hope, self-worth and dignity.

Udayam Charitable Trust
Have been working for 18 years among the differently abled persons in Dindigul district.

Jayavantrao Ghyar Patil Sevabhavi Sanstha
We are working for sustainable & equitable development.

Shibganj Integrated Development Society
We work on women empowerment, child rights, nutritional care, adolescent's health development, etc.

Vision Foundation
We work for the betterment of poorest of the poor, regardless of caste, creed, religion and Race etc.

We provide youngsters a platform to serve the society and bridge the gap between educated and uneducated.

ARVI TRUST is an organisation that working for the Persons with Disabilities, (Exclusively) since 1995.

Majhipara Ambedkar Centre for Human Research and Development
Majhipara Ambedkar Centre for Human research and Development works on Health and Education.

The Society has been serving women, unemployed, helpless, widows, handicapped youth and rural areas for last 18 years.

Y4D Foundation
Y4D is committed to empowering the underprivileged section of our society by creating an enabling environment through Encouragement, Education, and Employment.

Shri B D Annavaru Memorial Charitable Trust
Shri B D Tatti Annavaru Memorial Charitable Trust works for the welfare and development of People with Disabilities in North Karanataka.

India Youth For Society
To involve children & youth of India in improving civic sense and environmental concern so that we and our future generations have fresh air and clean water

Kankura Masat Social Welfare Society
Kankura Masat Social Welfare Society was established in the year 1999 with a motto to develop our community in every aspect

Sarwa acts on Education to facilitate access of quality education to the future generation of India and empower them with knowledge.

Sri Poornamahameru Trust
Sri Poorna Maha Meru Trust runs a free old age home and annadanam center at Pallavaram, Chennai.

Franciscan Sisters of Mary, Hosadurga
NISARGA organizes Community Based Organizations such as women and youth self help groups, Children’s club, and Farmer Producer Organization

The Himalayan Ecology & Treatment of Natural Agriculture Samiti (HETONA)
We provide eco-based solutions to subjects such as the environment, agriculture, water and sanitation, livelihoods.

We work in Education, women empowerment and scientific research

Working on #EndPeriodPoverty campaign to provide free sanitary napkins to girls and women impacted by Covid19.

Hariraj Charitable Trust
To work for education and health care among society with environment preservation, income generation and agriculture development.

Pinkishe Foundation
Pinkishe is running multiple programs for the benefit of girls and women

We are a Registered charity working in the filed of Health, HUNGER AND NUTRITION. We are located in Cochin, Kerala. We have a project HOSPITAL WITHOUT HUNGER --serving free meals to all the patients and their bystanders in Government Medical college Hospital, Kalamassery and Cochin Cancer Research Centre, Kalamassery. We have another Project SAHAI- Integrated Palliative Home care programme for Cancer Patients in Ernakulam District.

ABHINAV SAMAJ is working for welfare & rehabilitation of destitute elderly, women-empowerment, education and environment.

COVA Peace Network
COVA Peace Network, is a Confederation of Voluntary Associations working for social harmony and community empowerment in India and peace in South Asia.
Cancer Foundation of India
Cancer Foundation of India is a charity where professionals work with communities building evidence, finding health solutions and advocating for cancer prevention.
DSWS is working in the Sundarbans area on health, education, woman & child welfare, disaster management, and livelihoods.

Indore Cancer Foundation
A public charitable trust, running a charitable cancer treatment centre for India's commonest cancers the mouth and throat cancers

India Tribal Care Trust
Working for the upliftment of tribal communities across eastern and north eastern states of India by trying to fulfil the basic needs of education
Our Objective is to bring an outcome of the efforts put up by a group of social activist to work for poor and equal society.

We are primarily working with government schools, where most of the children come from economically and socially disadvantaged families.

Katha has been empowering underserved and marginalized communities through Quality Education, Vocational Skilling & Entrepreneurship Training
Share and care children welfare society
Share and care envisions a society to bring together all communities to provide the inspiration and foundation to end poverty, to ensure justice and achieve greater equity

CULP - Centre for Unfolding Learning Potentials
CULP was set-up by like-minded educationists and social activists dedicated to bring about positive social change.

It is women and child welfare environment and health dedicated non profit in organization, and all skill development training project

Foster Care Society
Our primary mission is to establish and model best practices for foster care organizations seeking to help foster youth and their parents throughout India

Disability Entrepreneurship And Leadership Foundation
Vision: A world where individual ability, not disability, counts.

PM Santosha charitable trust
PM Santosha Charitable Trust works in affordable healthcare for all, Focused on rural community outreach programs.

Women's India Trust
Women’s India Trust endeavors to provide Education, Vocational Skills Training and Livelihood opportunities to unskilled and underprivileged women

We have been functioning a Juvenile Home for vulnerable children for their care protection restoration rehabilitation education cultural development skill development etc

Redemption Research for Health and Educational Development Society(RRHEDS)
We provide services to the poor and below poverty line community in the field of Education, Health and Housing, Water and Sanitation etc.

Social Education and Liberty Foundation
Underprivileged children, women, senior citizens, disabled persons, adults and drop-out students are offered help in various fields like education, health and many more.

Center for Social and Behaviour Change Communication
We develop interventions, using evidence-based behaviour sciences, to resolve critical issues addressed by development sector

Vision : Sustainable Holistic Development among the underserved.

Shishu Sarothi
We work in the area of early intervention and rehabilitation, education, livelihoods, advocacy and awareness for persons with disabilities in North East India.

Vidyanikethan works in the areas of socio-economic empowerment, education, health and environment.

SANAKALPA Vikalchetanar Shiakashanika Mattu Grameenabhiruddhi Smasthe (R).,
An organization that seeks to empower People with Disability (PwDs) with the view that they are as capable as contributing members of society.

Plustrust provides micro-incubation support to women from rural and resource-poor communities through the Plustrust fellowships.

Our development activities are centered around the downtrodden and oppressed people of backward villages in TN

We formed and nurtured more than 300 SHGs in Bhojpur district, skilled over 50, 000 women and Employed/Self Employed over 10000 women.

Dr. Anjali Morris Education & Health Foundation
We assist children with Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD).

MBA Foundation
MBA Foundation is a 20 years old NGO working in the field of rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities in Airoli, Navi Mumbai.
Our organisation is working with the object of providing services to under-privileged.

Community Development Centre, Balaghat
CDC is non-profit making organization working for development and protection of children's.

Foundation for Initiatives in Development and Education for All (IDEA)
We are a Pune based NGO with initiatives focused on the development of underprivileged children, youth and women.

Ritham Charitable Trust
Ritham charitable trust is a well known special school in Rajapalayam serving to more than 135 rural underprivileged students.

Sristi Foundation
We are based in rural Tamil Nadu, that works towards improving the lives of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Mitra Jyothi
Mitra Jyothi works towards the enablement of Visually Impaired people through Education, Training, Counselling, Communication & Technology.
Kindness Unlimited
Kindness Unlimited advocates for Kindness as a life skill since 2005.

Social Organisation for Voluntary Action
Having joined hands, the founder members took of small time activities those would benefit the community members in small geographies.

The organization is dedicated to socio-economic transformation of the weaker and socially underprivileged section of the society through physical, social, cultural, and economic development

Balajee Sewa Sansthan
NGO has the rural & urban outreach, providing direct and indirect services in the districts of Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar

Kenduadihi Bikash Society
“Bikash” is a Bankura based NGO which is working for the cause of Disability for more than 20 years

Towards Future
Our goal is a safe and secure society for women and children, pre-primary to primary education of children and protection of their rights & liberty.

People's Action for People in Need
Our mission is the socio-economic development/ empowerment of women, children and the marginalised and deprived sections of the communities.

Bolangir Bikash parishad is a non profit making Nation building organisation working in drought and migration prone areas in Balangir District in Odisha in India.

We partner with the Government, National and International agencies, Academic Institutions and Corporations to improve quality of life of disadvantaged communities.

The Organisation for the Development of People
Our primary focus is on – Women Empowerment, Natural Resource Management, Capacity Building , Good Governance, Health and Sanitation, Livelihood Enhancement , and Academics.
Chilume Social Service Society
Chilume aims at empowerment of the disadvantaged children, youth and women through Education, livelihood, and skill development.

Cricket Association for the Blind of Maharashtra
The Cricket Association for the Blind of Maharashtra organises coaching camps & tournaments.

Rashtriya Janhit Sewa Sansthan
We presently work with JAL JEEVAN MISSION Project in different part of district Almora
The Association of People with Disability (APD)
APD, India is an NGO that’s transforming the lives of underprivileged people with disabilities since 1959.
The main objective of the organization is to provide self-employment to the unemployed people for their livelihood.

Sankalp Jyoti’ is a non–political and non–profit making voluntary organization.
RNisarg Founation
Empowering youth with the right knowledge and skill set is an investment we at RNisarg foundation believe in doing.

Garden Reach Institute For The Rehabilitation and Research
Garden Reach Institute For Rehabilitation and Research incubates values of inclusive society and works with children and young adults with special needs.

Janakalyan is 25th year old charity working with rural Indians for their holistic development.
Society for Animal Health Agriculture Science and Humanity
Our mission is to think, promise and work together with in India to achieve a lasting improvement in the quality of living hood.

Gautam Buddha Jagriti Society
It is a purely non political, non religious & not for profit dedicated organization for social development, which rises above caste, religion, sect, and politics.

Padasalai does extensive work in the geographies of Tamil Nadu backward and tribal areas in Telangana.

Visualizes for establishing a self reliant, egalitarian and knowledge base cultured society free from any type of exploitation.

SARWC-Service agency for rural women and children
SARWC have been running a special residential school for intellectually disabled poor and orphan children

youth efforts for society trust
YES Trust is a grassroots non-governmental organization founded by service minded and dedicated youths in the state of Karnataka.

Shri vansh gopal lok klyan Samiti
Shri Vansh Gopal Lok Kalyan Samiti is working disabled welfare field like rehabilitation income generation activity social security scheme.

RRR Educational Society envisions an equitable society where disadvantaged people are empowered to live creative, fulfilling and healthy lives.

Bikash (Kenduadihi Bikash Society)
Bikash is a Bankura-based NGO which is working for the cause of disability for more than 20 years

MED CHARITABLE TRUST aims to immediately support the infected, asymptomatic chronically infected persons.

We are working for intellectual disabilities ,cerebral Palsy Autism and Multiple disability.
OSAAT Educational Charitable Trust
Our main objective is to rebuild the physical infrastructure for rural & semi urban schools which are in dilapidated condition.

Building Dreams Foundation
Building Dreams Foundation (BDF) promotes the social development of disadvantaged children and communities.

Pragati Jubak Sangha
We work for the poor, deprived, under-privileged and marginalized people and communities.

Edufun Foundation Trust
We aim to empower economically weaker and socially marginalized sections of the society through capacity building of the people

Elder Care Trust
Elder Care Trust assists elders who are physically dependent on others for their daily living and provides a life of dignity during their final years.

JeevanRekha Parishad- JRP
We want donation for our Home for Senior Citizen and School for Slum and street Children.

Praveenlata Sansthan
We mainly focus on 4 E's i.e Environment, Education, Empowerment and Employment.
St. Thomas Charitable and Educational Trust works on women's, youth and child development in urban and rural areas.

We have been especially working for the children's of Primitive tribes on ensuring primary education of dropouts /never enrolled and facilitating quality education in schools

The Corbett Foundation works on harmonious coexistence between human beings and wildlife across important wildlife habitats in India.
HAQ: Centre for Child Rights
HAQ is a human rights organisation that focuses on all rights for all children, recognising them as citizens of today and adults of tomorrow.

Miracle Foundation India
Our approach is rooted in years of on-the-ground experience, driven by a careful methodology and powered by a deep passion to improve the lives of children

Society for Children (SOCH)
Society for Children (SOCH) is a non-profit organization working towards creating a safe and protective society where children can live happily and enjoy all their due rights.

Nav Bharat Jagriti Kendra
Its mission is to educate, organize and empower the rural poor to promote development as a liberating force for achieving social justice, economic growth and self- reliance.

Sakaar Outreach
We have been providing vocational training to empower a segment of the population that is economically backward, marginalised and without sources of education or health care facilities
Ek Tara
Ek Tara is a registered trust enabling girls and women from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Fourth Wave Foundation
Our key areas of focus include Education, Empowerment, Ethics and Inclusion.

Tarachand Ramnath Seva Trust
We focus on SDGs 3, 4, 8, and 11, i.e. Good health and well-being, quality education, decent work and economic growth, and Sustainable cities and communities.

Creativiti Council
We address unmet and neglected societal needs through creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship.

We are working to remove the social stigma i.e. “sex work” attached to the name of the community “Nat”.
Yash Charitable Trust
YCT aims to create pathways in the community to accept, include and empower adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Jesus Sikshana Samsthe
Giving free education and free accommodation to underprivileged children like orphan and semi orphans.

Pratigya is Jharkhand based youth initiative to ensure access of quality education to every child and mobilize youth to action.

Farm India - Federation for Agricultural Research Methodologies
Farm India works on rural development in Trichy, Dindigul and Karur districts of Tamilnadu.

Samuel Foundation Charitable India Trust
We are actively involved in poverty reduction by providing skill development among the underprivileged youth.
Bhartiya Jan Kalyan Seva Sansthan
BJKSS came in to existence for the upliftment of the tribal, dalit , women, children , and minority .

A not for profit, working towards rehabilitation of the individual with Intellectual and Developmental disabilities and for individuals on the Autism Spectrum.

Association for Social and Humanize Action
Asha works on Environment, Education and Empowerment through its activities

Jivdaya Charitable Trust
Dedicated to saving a stray animals life. Improve healthy co-existence with animals and nature

Pravah works on ‘prevention’ of social conflicts by developing social responsibility and personal leadership among young people

We work for Health, educations & livelihood of women, children & differently able persons.

We are working for Mentally challenged children other PwDs.

Our nature-centric approach also increases biodiversity and helps protect against global warming.

Satya Special School
Satya Special School works to empower people with special needs and lead the way towards inclusive education and workplace.

Gramin Vikas Vigyan Samiti (GRAVIS)
GRAVIS works towards building empowered drought-resilient rural communities with access to safe and clean drinking water, enhanced food security and improved livelihoods.

The Kalgidhar Society
The Kalgidhar Society has been working tirelessly towards transforming the lives of children through the tool of value-based high-quality education.

Integrated Project for Development of People (IPDP)
Our main focus is on education, health, basic amenities for the needy in the community, vocational training

Sabuj Sangha
We are dedicated improving the lives of deprived people of West Bengal, India through participation and empowerment.

Sshrishti Trust
We work extensively in the areas of Education, Digital Literacy and Women Empowerment.

Universal Versatile Society
We are working to contribute in the prevention of farmer’s suicide

LexQuest Foundation
We conduct extensive legal and policy research and analysis to provide transformative solutions to public interest issues.

SKIRDS focuses on the education, helath, livelihood and lifeskills of under privileged people.

SAMPADA UDUPI was established in the year 2014, with a vision “A society with justice, peace and ecological harmony.”

Women's Education and Economic Development Society
WEEDS has been at the forefront of promoting women empowerment by teaching them to fish and feed their whole family, boost her family’s health and education for the children.

GODS TRUST is working in the state of Odisha since 2009. Our sectors are in Health, Education and Agriculture.

Adivasi Chetna Shikshan Seva Samiti
The Organization was formed by local tribal people to uplift their own tribal community for their overall development

Care Village Foundation
The organization is working towards the total development of the society and the marginalised.

Aldu Foundation
We mainly support children education, livelihood and health programs.

Centre for Community Initiative
Centre for Community Initiative (CCI) deals in mapping positive and supportive environment and working towards inclusive society.